Main tasks

The cash flow from SDFI is transferred in its entirety to the Norwegian State.

Petoro has been assigned four main tasks:
  • Manage the state's direct participation interests in partnerships where the State holds such interests at any given time.
  • Manage the state's ownership in central gas infrastructure.
  • Monitor Equinor's allocation of the petroleum produced from the State's direct participation interests in accordance with Equinor's allocation instructions.
  • Financial management, including keeping accounts for the State's direct participating interests.


A key part of creating and securing values for the State is to achieve optimal recovery of the resources in each individual production licence, to increase the values, and to ensure that the State is assigned its rightful share of production, revenues and costs. Petoro accomplishes this through active participation in the production licences through all phases from exploration to development and operation.
Photographer: Øyvind Hagen - Statoil
Activity in the respective licences is governed through a committee structure with a management committee composed of the participating companies, and with underlying technical and financial/commercial committees. Technical and commercial issues are thoroughly prepared in the sub-committees, and then submitted to the management committee.

The framework for the work carried out in a licence is a formal joint operating agreement between the licensees who establish a joint venture. The joint operating agreements that apply on the Norwegian shelf are standardised and govern how the work shall be carried out. The operator is responsible for daily operation and ensures decisions are implemented.
The relationship between the management committee and the operator has similarities with the relationship between a board of directors and the management in a company. However, the partners in a joint venture carry out substantially more independent technical and financial work and assessments of matters that are processed in the management committee, as compared with what a director on a board would normally do

Gas infrastructure

After the state increased its ownership in the central Norwegian gas transport system in the autumn of 2024, the gas transport system Gassled is now wholly owned by the state, while the Nyhamna processing plant and the Polarled pipeline have the state as the largest owner.    Petoro is the licensee and manager of the gas infrastructure on behalf of the state, as part of the State’s Direct Financial Interest (SDFI) scheme.
Petoro manages the central gas infrastructure separately from the field portfolio, ensuring that the company does not place special emphasis on the impact on the rest of the SDFI portfolio. In addition to business considerations, Petoro also emphasizes that the gas infrastructure should be operated cost-effectively and contribute to good resource management.
Gassled consists of around 7,000 km of gas pipelines that transport gas from the Norwegian continental shelf to land terminals on the continent and in the United Kingdom. The processing plants at Kårstø and Kollsnes, as well as the riser platforms Draupner S/E, are also part of Gassled.
(Illustration: Gassco)


The state, through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, exercises as a majority shareholder in Equinor and sole owner of Petoro/SDFI. The marketing instruction have been given to Equinor, and according to the instruction, Equinor will be responsible for the sale of the state's petroleum together with its own. The objective of the marketing instructions is to achieve the highest possible overall value for Equinor’s and the State’s petroleum and to ensure rightful distribution of the income.
Petoro shall ensure that Equinor carries out the marketing of the State’s petroleum together with its own in accordance with the marketing instructions, including contributing to a rightful distribution of income and costs. In this work, Petoro focuses on marketing strategy and risk management, in addition to assessment of individual issues of significant value, as well as issues of a principle and incentive character.

Financial management

The SDFI shares are managed by Petoro for the State’s risk and account. Petoro’s task is linked to financial management of the SDFI portfolio, which includes the State’s ownership interests. This entails preparation of accounts for SDFI, budget follow-up, forecasts and audit activities.

The SDFI accounts are prepared in accordance with Norwegian accounting legislation and the State’s cash basis. Petoro’s management of the portfolio is subject to the regulations that apply for financial management in the State.