Plan for Development and Operation for Maria approved

[ 04.09.2015 ]
The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has approved the PDO for the Maria-field in the Norwegian Sea. Petoro tok over a 30 per cent share in 2011 and has in the planning phase been keen to see an efficient use of existing infrastructure as part of the Maria field development in this part of the Norwegian Sea.
Investments in the Maria development are estimated at around 15.3 billion NOK including development drilling. The planned production startup for Maria is in 2018. Recoverable reserves on the field are estimated around 180 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe), of which the majority is oil.

Under the approved development solution, the Maria reservoir will be linked via a subsea tieback to the Kristin, Heidrun and Åsgard B production platforms. The Maria well stream will go to the Kristin platform for processing while supply of water for injection into the reservoir will come from the Heidrun platform and lift gas will be provided from Åsgard B via the Tyrihans D field subsea template. Processed oil will be shipped to the Åsgard field for storage and offloading to shuttle tankers. Gas will be exported via the Åsgard Transport System to Kårstø.

Wintershall Norge is the operator of the license with a 50%* share. Petoro has a 30% share and Centrica Resources (Norge) owns the remaining 20%.

*Subject to approval by the relevant authorities and after closing of the transaction by the end of 2015, Tellus Petroleum will acquire 15% of the Maria development from Wintershall. 

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