SDFI and Petoro annual report 2024
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Resource accounts 2024 - unaudited

The tables below present remaining reserves in resource classes 1 to 3, as well as resources in classes 4 to 8.
  1. The Dvalin group consists of Dvalin and Dvalin Nord
  2. The Ekofisk group consists of Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla (in production), as well as Albuskjell, Cod, Edda, Tjalve and Vest Ekofisk
  3. The Gullfaks group consists of Gullfaks and Gullfaks Sør
  4. The Norne satellites consist of Skuld and Urd
  5. The Visund group consists of Visund and Visund Sør
* Remaining reserves in Atla, Skirne, Heimdal, Veslefrikk are 0, which is why they are not included in the list