SDFI and Petoro annual report 2023
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Corporate social responsibility

Petoro's corporate social responsibility report is based on the company's guidelines for exercising corporate social responsibility and procedure for due diligence for the supplier chain and business partners pursuant to the (Norwegian) Transparency Act. The mentioned guidelines have been adapted to the company's activities as a licensee on the Norwegian shelf. CSR comprises the responsibilities companies are expected to fulfil for people, society, climate and the environment affected by their activities. The work on corporate social responsibility is an integral part of the board's efforts. Petoro's funding for performing its management duties and for running the company is provided through appropriations from the government. Pursuant to its mandate, Petoro will not provide monetary support for public welfare purposes.
The owner's expectations as regards corporate social responsibility are expressed in the report to the Storting on state ownership, Report No. 6 to the Storting, 2022-2023 “A greener and more active state ownership – The state's direct ownership in companies". The Board's presentation below, tailored to Petoro's role and mandate, is based on the owner's expectations and the company's guidelines for CSR.
Petoro undertakes to pursue its business activities in an ethically prudent, sustainable and responsible manner. The Board emphasises that the company's CSR forms an integral part of its activities and strategies, and is reflected through its values. These include being dynamic, responsible, inclusive and bold. The company's guidelines on business ethics support these values.
Petoro exercises its activities in accordance with good corporate governance. This applies to its participation in the individual production licences and as a partner in the joint ventures. The joint venture agreements for the production licences include governance requirements for the operators. Petoro exercises its role through active participation in management committees and sub-committees on the basis of a prioritisation of available resources and where it can make a difference. Follow-up of the state's equity interests in all joint ventures is incorporated in Petoro's management system.
The HSE regulations establish requirements for Petoro as a licensee on the shelf and participant in the individual onshore plants on behalf of the state as owner. The key elements are the requirement to have one's own management system and the supervisory duty. By exercising its supervisory duty, Petoro contributes to continuous improvement of HSE results for fields and facilities where Petoro is a licensee. Petoro manages a large and diverse portfolio, and prioritises its level of follow-up on the various licences/fields/onshore facilities based on commercial criteria, including activities and results related to HSE. The portfolio is subject to an HSE assessment as part of the company's annual planning process. The assessment is conducted based on the historical development in HSE results, developments in the installation's technical condition (TIMP, uptime), changes in operator situation, as well as activities as described in the work programme for the upcoming years which affect the risk scenario. Annual major accident workshops are an important part of the joint ventures' safety work. Petoro also participates every year in HSE management visits on selected fields and installations.
Petoro exercises its activities in a sustainable manner which minimises negative impact on nature and the environment. Petoro recognises that climate challenges make it necessary to restrict anthropogenic climate impact. The company wants to contribute to ensuring that the oil and gas industry on the Norwegian shelf leads the way in addressing climate challenges. Climate is an integrated part of Petoro's governance. Petoro will work to ensure that a broad spectrum of effective climate solutions and new technology are considered in selected licenses. Climate-related market risk that follows from changes in climate policy, customer needs and customer preferences must, to an increasing extent, be taken into consideration in the company's measures and decisions. In climate-related decisions, we preserve optionality, which secures or increases the value of the portfolio in the event of changes in market needs (reducing risk). The decisions are made in a value chain perspective to secure a potential added value for the products over the longer term.
The climate risk for the SDFI has become clearer over the last few years; this particularly applies for gas sold to countries in Europe with high ambitions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Over the past few years, Petoro has assessed which challenges and opportunities the transition to a low-emission society may bring for the SDFI values over the longer term. Along with its partners and operators, the company has identified measures that will be carried out in the upcoming years. Important measures include electrification projects, which will reduce emissions from the SDFI portfolio over time. This is addressed in more detail in Petoro's sustainability report.
Petoro reports emissions to air and water from the portfolio in the company's sustainability report based on figures obtained from the operators. 
Petoro does not tolerate any form of corruption or other improprieties, and employees are not permitted to accept remuneration from others in their work for the company. Guidelines on business ethics define what is regarded as corruption, and the consequences of breaching these guidelines are addressed specifically. No breaches of these guidelines have been recorded.
Petoro's employees shall not accept or offer unlawful monetary gifts or other benefits to secure an advantage for themselves, for Petoro or for others. Employee directorships and secondary employment must be approved by the CEO in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest. Guidelines on business ethics detail the consequences of breaches. No breaches of the guidelines have been recorded so far.
Petoro's employees comply with the company's business ethics guidelines. The company's guidelines on business ethics are available to the public. Their purpose is to clarify principles which will govern the company's commercial operations and employee conduct. All employees sign the company's ethical guidelines each year. These guidelines set requirements for the individual to exercise conduct that does not raise questions, based on the requirement to maintain high ethical standards. It follows from the guidelines that the individual is expected to contribute to an inclusive work environment. The individual has a shared responsibility to ensure a good environment in terms of health and safety. The guidelines also address matters such as the duty of confidentiality, potential conflicts of interest and questions linked to accepting gifts and services. Senior employees (CEO and employees who report directly to the CEO) are prohibited from owning shares in licensee companies. Petoro has established requirements for information and ICT security in its activities.
Petoro's employees discharge their duties with a high level of integrity and honesty, and show respect for other people, public authorities and business contacts, as well as health, safety and the environment. Petoro aims to maintain a sound psychosocial and physical working environment for all employees. The company shall have a corporate structure that promotes good results within health, safety and the environment. Petoro shall actively encourage continuous HSE improvement and believes that all incidents can be prevented. The PetoroAktiv employee association organises a number of social, cultural and athletic/sports activities for employees. The various events are well-attended.
Petoro does not discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, national or ethnic affiliation, social group or political views. Petoro emphasises equal opportunities for professional and personal development, pay and promotion. The company facilitates a flexible customising of working hours. When determining wages and in wage negotiations, Petoro is conscious that men and women must be treated equally. No systematic or significant differences exist between male and female pay in the company. The company has a number of employees from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Working conditions at Petoro are customised to allow employment of people with disabilities. Additional details and a statement on diversity, inclusion and equality will be provided in the company's sustainability report.
The company has routines for reporting improprieties. The Board encourages the company's employees to raise ethical issues and to report any breaches of the regulations they encounter. The internal audit function is an independent whistleblowing channel with the right and duty to report to the Board. The right to report improprieties in the enterprise also comprises consultants who carry out assignments on behalf of Petoro.
Petoro expects its partners and contractors/ suppliers to maintain the same ethical standards set for its own business operations. Petoro's standard contractual terms incorporate requirements that contractors/suppliers must execute the assignment with a high level of professionalism and in accordance with high ethical standards. An extract from the company's guidelines on business ethics is incorporated into all Petoro's standard contracts as a normative standard. The management committee in each joint venture is responsible for considering and deciding issues related to the procurement and contract strategy.